

Hear it from the pros, why are mortgage rates going down in spite of what the Fed is doing? We interviewed Joseph Allen, a mortgage vicepresident at Quontic Bank to elaborate on this topic. For Joseph´s contact info… Read More


If you would like a pdf copy of the article below, you can download it here: Q4of2021Commentary Q4 OF 2021  Real Estate Market Update for Queens, NY At the National level, the unemployment rate went below 4% at the end of 2021, reaching pre-pandemic levels. The reactivation of the economy after the end of the lockdowns, created a surge in employment and in some industries a shortage of workers. Many older workers that were at or near retirement age decided to call it quits and retired last year, creating a shortage of labor and aiding unemployment numbers. Help wanted notices and job offerings became the norm as workers started choosing amongst the many options and demanding better salaries and better terms. Read More


The latest statistics about the Queens, NY real estate market including Median Prices for all residential property types, available inventory data, negotiability and more. Everything you want to know about what happened with the Queens Real Estate Market in the third quarter of 2021, in a short 2 minutes video. As always, got comments or questions? Don't hesitate to contact Manuel, your Queens Real Estate Expert. Read More


Queens Real Estate Market Update First Quarter Q1 2021 First, let me start by sharing some of the National Macroeconomic data to put our Queens Real Estate Market Update in perspective. I realize that a lot of the information you get thru the media refers to the national real estate market and this can be very different to what is going on locally. Every real estate market is local, or shall we say uber-local, so when we hear national trends, we must put those in perspective. Read More